Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The next step

I totally suck at counting calories, points, carbs or any other thing.  I simply don't want to be bothered with having to keep track of it.  Maybe I'm just lazy but it is what it is.  So for 2012 I decided to try something different.....eat less.  I worked hard at learning to stop eating really before I hit that "full" feeling.  It worked pretty well, I lost 42 pounds last year just by doing this and it wasn't all that difficult.  Not to say I still don't over eat at times but it's not the norm now.

This year I'm going to continue down this path since it is working for me.  But I'd like to up the amount I lose this year and I still need to work on getting in better physical shape.  So Don and I have joined a gym.  We met with a personal trainer yesterday and got workout programs put together.  I have a few sore muscles today but really nothing that bad so I'm happy there.  For the next three months I'll be going three days a week to work out.  I'm contemplating going a couple additional days just for a cardio workout, we'll see.

The only new goal I'm working towards this year is regular and consistent gym workouts.  I'll continue to work on the portion control thing.  I'm kinda excited to see how this year goes.

1 comment:

  1. what worked for me (other than getting offa my butt) was to use a smaller plate...
