Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Good bye 2013

I have to admit, you really won't be missed.  Not to say the year was totally bad but it seemed to have more than its fair share of suckage.  I didn't have any cabbage New Years Day so I blame myself for the crappy year.  Won't make that mistake again.

So, on to 2014.

This is where a lot of people pen their new year's resolutions.  Not me.  I gave up doing that a long time ago.  That doesn't mean I don't have goals.  My goal for 2014 is to complete a goal I started a couple years ago.  My Fit by 50 (Fx50) goal comes to an end in 2014.  September 21, 2014 to be exact.  This is largely a weight-loss goal based in a desire to simply be healthier.  I've never said how much weight I wanted to lose before but now seems like a good time as any for a couple reasons.

1. I need to change my focus from being embarrassed by what I weighed to being proud of how far I've come and looking toward the end goal.
2. I'm at a point where I need a cheering section and people to help me stayed focused.  I'm at the point I've always failed before and that's a huge mental stumbling block to get past.

My goal was to lose 150 pounds.  I've lost 80 of them so I'm a little more than half way there. 

Instead of resolutions for the new year I'm planning my strategy for reaching my goal.
  • I need to refocus on how much I'm eating.  Kinda lost that over the last 3 months which I'm sure is part of why I'm stalled out on the weight-loss front.
  • I need to start adding some exercise into my life, even if its just going for walks on a regular basis.  I'm still contemplating trying the Couch to 5K program again.  I think adding the exercise will help me get past this wall I'm up against now.
So there you have it.  Hello 2014.  I'm glad you're here.

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