Monday, April 7, 2014

Scraping By

Virginia Democrat James Moran apparently feels there is a problem in Congress.  They don't get paid enough.  According to him "a lot of members can't even afford to live decently in Washington."  Add to that the horror that their pay has been froze for the last three years and this poor guy must be just barely scraping by. <insert sarcasm and eye roll here>

Congressmen make $174,000 a year.

Here are my thoughts and suggestions for Congressman Moran to help him in his plight of poverty.

1. Congress is so out of touch with its constituency it's sickening and you are the new poster child for this.

2. If you can't live "decently" on $174,000 a year maybe you need to take a cold hard look at your lifestyle.  Maybe you need to pare it back a bit and learn to live within your means.  Maybe, just maybe, your perception of what is "decent" living is a bit skewed........or disgustingly distorted.  Seriously, as a federal employee I make significantly less than you do.  I don't live in a mansion or drive a fancy car.  I'm not above shopping at a thrift store or picking up something free off Craigslist.  I consider my lifestyle decent though.  And that's even with you freezing my pay for the last three years.

3. No one is forced to run for Congress.  If you don't like the job or the pay associated with it, go find a different one.  (Moran has actually announced his retirement.  The poor man is going to have to start living on a fixed income of at least $174,000 a year.  Makes your heart break for the poor guy, doesn't it.)

4.  If you are finding that measly $174,000 a year simply isn't covering your needs you could do what a lot of your fellow Americans have had to do....get a second job.  7-11 is always hiring.

The arrogance of this guy is sickening and just one more reason we need to completely clean house in this year's election.

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