Thursday, October 4, 2012

And I heard....

We have a dog named Shepherd and he is obsessed with tennis balls.  I mean seriously obsessed.  You almost never see him without one in his mouth or lying next to him.  "Ball" is one word he definitely knows.  So Don and I were having a discussion one day about what Shepherd actually heard when we talk to him.  Different ideas were tossed about but we finally decided that what he really heard was "waa waa waa waa waa waa BALL! waa waa waa BALL! waa waa".

That evolved into a joke around our house and has come to mean "I see your lips moving but I'm just hearing noise."  When one of us starts ranting or whining about something stupid the other one will typically respond with "BALL!" and then we'll both crack up and rant/whine is ended.

I didn't watch the debate last night because seriously, all I would have heard was "BALL!".

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