Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Graciousness....a lost art

I'm sure I speak for a whole lot of people when I say I'm so very happy this election is over.  I just wish the nasty, hatefulness were over as well.  Sadly, by the looks of my FB feed it's not.

People have forgotten how to be gracious.  Years of listening to politicians badmouth, deride and make fun of their competition seems to have rubbed off on us.  We can't happily accept our candidate won or sadly accept they lost.  Instead we focus on ridiculing the other person.  And we wonder why we've become such a nation divided.

If you read my blog it's no secret I didn't vote for either Obama or Romney.  I knew when I voted yesterday I wasn't going to like the news this morning regardless of which one won.  I have tremendous fears for the future of this country....just depended on who won as to what those fears are.  But you know, after scrolling through some of my FB this morning (I finally quit because I couldn't stomach any more of it) and seeing all the hateful comments people left about Obama or Romney, often in the guise of a joke, I'm beginning to think my fear is misplaced.  Maybe American citizens are the ones who should be feared for closed-minded pettiness.  Maybe it's not our government that's dividing us.

How can we ever hope to come together as a country, to make ourselves better than what we are now if our first response is to ridicule and hate?

Who else remembers being taught as a child to be gracious in victory, gracious in defeat?

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