Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oh bah humbug!

I'm not really bah humbug...mostly.  But at this time every year there is something that I can't stand.  I'm talking about stupid Christmas songs.  I don't mean singing Chipmunks or rein-deers running over grandmas.  Those are fun, silly holiday songs.  But there are some songs that fall in to a couple categories that make me want to stuff a Christmas ornament in the singer's mouth.

1. Just because a song has the word "Christmas" in it, doesn't automatically make it a Christmas song.  The best example of this is a song called "Last Christmas".  The lyrics have nothing to do with anything holiday related.  It doesn't help that the current version of it is sung by Taylor Swift who I don't like as a singer to begin with.

2. Then there are the songs that have ridiculous lyrics seemingly based on the premise that 'why of course, everyone in the world must celebrate Christmas since I do'.  Wow...ego anyone?  The primary culprit I hear is the song "Do They Know It's Christmas".  Let me help you with this one.....if they celebrate Christmas, they know when it is.  If they don't know then they probably don't care.

Yeah, I know, minor stuff in the grand scheme of things but I feel better now that I've gotten this off my chest.

Oh yeah...one more thing.  Why is the Peanuts theme song considered Christmas music?????

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