Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Numbers Head Game

I seriously need to get some new work pants.  Most of the ones I'm wearing I've been wearing for the last 8-10 years and quite frankly they've become pretty ratty around the hem.  That's a result of 2 things.

1. Petite length pants are made for women 5'4.  I'm 5'2.
2. I HATE hemming pants.

There is another factor in the need for new pants.  All the pants I have were bought 60+ pounds ago.  So yeah, they are just a bit baggy on me.  Oh heck, I'm constantly yanking them up while walking.  In fact, going up stairs can be a tricky business if I happen to step on the hem......could lead to embarrassing moments of exposure. 

So on the way home last night I stopped to see if I could find some inexpensive pants.  (I refuse to pay a lot for pants that will hopefully be too big for me within a few more months)  I go in and find some on sale for under $20 so start looking for the size I need, grab a couple styles and go try them on.  They fit with no problems at all, plenty of room.  As I'm looking in the mirror though something suddenly hits me......I'm trying on the same size pants as what I'm trying to replace!!!  Of course they "fit".....and I can pull them on and off without even unfastening them.  I was having to yank them up while I was just standing there.  Had this crazy idea then.....maybe I should try one a size smaller.  So I head back to the pants, find one smaller and back to the dressing room I go.  Here's when the numbers head game really struck me.  I was nervous trying them on and didn't really have any expectation that they'd fit.  I've become so used to being a "size" that the idea of being a smaller size doesn't seem possible.  My head can't wrap around that idea.

Guess what.  The smaller size fit with plenty of room!  So I bought a couple pair and am wearing one of them today.  I'm starting to wonder something though.  As I walk around I'm having to constantly yank these pants up.  Makes me kinda wonder if I could have gone down TWO pants sizes.  The brain is trying to wrap itself around this idea.  Do I dare explore this possibility...............

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