Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Randomness on a Tuesday

No one particular subject in mind today.  Just various things wandering through my head and some of them will probably step on toes.....you have been warned.  Let's start with chefs.

I'm a Gorden Ramsey person, just saying.  When this whole Paule Deen thing erupted I was like, yeah, whatever.  I didn't have any feelings one way or the other regarding her.  Then I started seeing all these posts and memes on FB about how unfairly she's being treated and give her back her job, etc, etc. Made me curious about what all the hoopla was about so I started paying more attention.  It seemed so bizarre that she would have lost her job and all that corporate sponsorship over something she said 10, 20, 27 or 30 years ago.  Apparently how long ago it was depends on which FB meme you choose to use as your news source.  So I started doing a bit of my own research.  Forgive me for not just mindlessly posting memes on FB just because I have friends doing so......it's on FB so it must be right.....right?

My research turned up some interesting things, including the actual legal paper filed against her.  Interesting reading.  I was able to quickly debunk the stuff I'd read about this all being racially motivated.  Since it was a white woman who filed the suit against Paula racism just doesn't seem to hold water.  

As for the rest, just let me say this; before you decide to stand behind someone in support you might want to do your own research and find out what that person really stands for.

I've noticed a common thread amongst my friends on both sides of the political spectrum.  They are absolutely incapable of admitting their party/candidate/elected official just might be wrong about something.  What brought this to my attention is on the occasion when I post something a party/candidate/elected official is doing or has done that seems to make no sense or be total opposition to what they have said I never hear anything from their supporters trying to help me understand.  It's nothing but crickets chirping.  You know what, if someone you support is doing something you disagree with have the moral fortitude to stand up and say so!  Jeesh, I promise no one will come take away your party membership card.  It's this ignorant blind allegiance to a party that has gotten our government into the corrupt mess it is today.

On a related note, I'm still trying to understand why our President is giving a crap ton of money to a country to institute something his party says is discriminatory for us to do.

The Supreme Court had a busy week last week and actually got most of it right. Yeah, I know, I have friends who are waiting for someone to marry their cat now because it's all a slippery slope.  Uh huh, whatever.  Now I do understand their concern that polygamists will be next in wanting their marriages recognized.  Well, ok, so I don't really understand their concern.  Heck, even my most ultra-conservative religious right friends shouldn't have a problem with this.  Polygamy was a valid form a marriage in the Bible after all.

Snowden...hero or traitor?  Honestly, I'm not sure I'd call him either.  What baffles me the most about this whole thing though has been the general response.  Everyone's focus seems to be debating whether what he did was right or wrong.  Ummm....is no one else the least bit interested or alarmed about WHAT he disclosed???  Wide-scale spying by our government on everyone, including us.  Wow, talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.

Those are the big things that have been rattling around in my head lately.

I want to wish everyone a wonderful and safe Independence Day.  Fly our flag proudly, celebrate and be thankful for the freedoms we have.  Remember those who have and are serving our country.  Spend a few minutes thinking about the good things in your life.


1 comment:

  1. I think part of Paula Deen's problem is that not only did she say some moderately racist things in the past, but she steadfastly wants to be let off for it. Her tearful asking anyone who's never said anything they regret to be the one to stone her essentially says, "Hey, you screw up too. Get over it." The statements of, "I am what I am... " also beg for her to just slide by it. All consequences for what she's said are too much.
    It's like those apologies that begin, "If anyone was offended by what I said," putting the onus on the recipient not the speaker.
    If I'd called my bosses partner, "Fat ass," saying, "If you were offended by it, I'm sorry," is a far bit from, "I'm sorry. I should never have said it. I ask your pardon for my unforgivable action."

    You start damage control by either saying, "What I did wan't wrong and it's been blown out of proportion/lied about/misinterpreted by other people," or you say, "You're right. I shouldn't have said/done it and I want to humbly ask for your forgiveness."
    She's chosen the former and it's not playing.
