Monday, November 4, 2013

Let's talk

I ran across an article a friend posted on FB.  To be honest, I'm still not sure how I feel about it but I can definitely say it is thought-provoking.  Some of of what is said makes me uncomfortable but I'm not sure that's a bad thing.  One statement though really struck a cord with me.

"...people sick of being belittled as not Christian enough for the right or too Jesus-y for the left." 

Yeah, I can definitely relate to that feeling.

So I'm curious to hear others thought on this pastor and her vision of church and Christianity.  I don't care what you believe....or don't believe.  What do you think about this?

(As always, please keep discussion respectful)


  1. I'm all for new and more realistic views of how people can relate to whatever they want to call "God". Especially if it is more inclusive and -- as it should be -- more in line with the purist core of the teachings of Jesus and other enlightened teachers.

    I'm still hesitant to fully endorse and support any religious practice that relies on a supernatural deity, because my life, experience, study and struggles have shown to me - at least - that such an entity doesn't make sense. So her message and outreach are appealing to me, but I wish it could be accomplished in a manner that didn't include reliance on "God".

  2. I don't really have issues with any form of belief. I don't care whether you're an atheist or a tongue-speaking pentecostal What I do have issues with and what ultimately drove me away from organized religion is the hypocrisy and intolerance. Reality is, almost all religions in the world teach the same basic tenets; be nice, treat others how you wish to be treated, don't kill or steal, lying and cheating are bad, etc. The only difference is the deity they worship. So when I see people who make very public declarations of their faith but then I see these same people spew such anger and hate towards those they don't agree with whether it be gays, other religions or even political parties I have to question their whole belief system. And it's not just Christians, though they seem to be the most vocal. I know atheists who will tell you how tolerant they are but in the next breath talk about how much they hate Christians. I can honestly say some of the most hateful and intolerant actions I've witnessed were in churches. It's the old joke about the guy who comes out of church and then cuts off a car and flips them off on the way out of the church parking lot.

    I'm curious Trey how you would see a religion that didn't include a reliance on a supernatural deity. I'm not sure such a thing is possible since the whole basis of any religion is really a faith-based belief in a higher power.
