Friday, October 11, 2013

The Gauntlet

Here it is, flat out.

I have a number of friends who support the government shutdown.  Consider it a good thing or at the very least "not as bad as we thought".  Keep in mind, to the best of my knowledge none of these people are directly impacted by the, they're still getting a paycheck.

They do spend a lot of time pontificating in blogs and Facebook about the righteousness of their cause and passing along FB memes that support their view....even if the memes aren't completely accurate.  And, they all apparently decided I was to be their sacrificial lamb in this latest political game.  A role I didn't ask for, volunteer for or even believe in. 

You know what?  I'm tired of being their ball to kick around.  So I'm making a challenge, throwing down the gauntlet so to speak.

For all of you who wanted this shutdown, who consider those of us furloughed to be acceptable losses in your war, who still believe their side is looking out for the greater good; it's time to put your money where your mouth is.  Sitting behind a computer and typing out your opinions is easy.  What are you willing to actually sacrifice for your cause?

What are you willing to give up, sell, do without?  One of you told me you would gladly give up everything you own to win this political war.  Were those just words to make you feel 'patriotic'?  I'm waiting to see some can start shipping your belongings to me so I have things I can sell to live on because, quite frankly, I don't feel I should suffer for your cause if you're not.  A few of you have told me your principles are more important than my paycheck.  To that I say if your principles are so valuable then you sacrifice to keep them.  Making me pay for your principles is a pretty hollow act.

I didn't and still don't believe in this war.  I don't believe your pet politicians care about you or me in the long run.  And I don't believe I should have to pay so you can get your way.

So I ask again, when are you going to just stop talking a good game?  What sacrifice are you willing to make?

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