Sunday, September 28, 2014

How much kool-aid did you drink?

One of my classes this term is Environmental Assessment.  It's a required class for me but just let me say now I don't particularly care for this class.  It's not about the type of environmental assessments I do in my job.  This is a class geared toward environmentalists...the whole 'save the earth' thing.  And if I read the UN quoted one more time I'm going to scream.

Now, don't get me wrong, I agree the earth is in trouble and we have a responsibility and need to change how we do things.  This simply isn't a subject I'm interested in studying, that would be why it's not my major.  And I have....issues....with the UN.  But here's what gets me the most about this class....some of the people in it are freaking scary!  I read their posts to the discussion boards and it goes way past my normal "aren't you precious" reaction and more towards the "Please tell me you aren't allowed to vote!!!"  I'm floored by how many people think our government should implement forced birth control and a program like China's one child.  To willingly give up that kind of control of one's body and life to the government is just...frightening to me.

But then, I never have been a big fan of kool-aid.

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