Friday, April 20, 2012


When did the "American Dream" become a bad thing?  When did hard work and succeeding in life become something only 1% of the population did?

Quite frankly I'm tired of the whole sense of entitlement Americans seem to feel these days.  They want what the "1%" have but they don't want to do the work to get it.  They have some twisted idea that it should just be handed to them; that they 'deserve' it simply because they want it.  Well I hate to pop your balloon but guess what, that's bullshit!

Let's clear up some things.
1. The government owes you nothing beyond protecting your right to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.  Please note there is no guarantee you will ever achieve any of those things.  That's up to you.
2. Corporate America owes you nothing beyond providing you whatever item or service you paid them for and a paycheck if you work for them.
3. The rich owe you nothing.  They have what they have because most of them worked hard for it.  If you want what they have then work for it too.
4. Life isn't fair.  I know mommy and daddy taught you everyone is a winner, no one loses.  That wasn't true when you were 6 and it still isn't true at 26, 36 or 46.  The simple truth is not everyone wins, sometimes you lose.  Harsh but simple fact of life.  Suck it up and deal with it.

Now that we've cleared those things up let's get a grip on some reality.  Being rich and successful is not an evil thing.  In fact, it's what I want to be one day and I'm working to make that happen.  It isn't going to just happen though.  It's not going to happen if I spend my time standing around whining and wailing about how unfair it is some people have more money than me.  It's not going to happen if, instead of getting a job and working, I choose to spend my days doing nothing that is going to directly improve my chances.  It's not going to happen if I decide to make poor choices and get myself in debt simply because I feel I deserve all the latest toys even if I don't have the money to pay for them.

Bottom line, if you want to change your life then get out and make it happen.  Don't stand around and expect others to do it for you.  There's nothing wrong with going after the American Dream.

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