Friday, April 20, 2012

Higher Standards

So a few days ago I asked if you felt people running for office should be held to a higher standard than the general public.  I also asked how much weight do you give accusations of past wrong doings when choosing a candidate to support.  Thank you all for your responses.  I love hearing what others' think.  And, it's only fair I share my views.

When people tell me political candidates and elected officials should be held to a higher standard my question always is 'higher than what?'. You're standards are probably different than mine.  Doesn't make one set of standards are better than another.....just means they're different.  So who exactly gets to decide what set of standards are the one politicians should be held to?  And if I think they should be held to higher standards then am I saying my own standards are low?  Personally I believe my standards are pretty high.  So in answer to my question, no, I don't believe politicians should be held to a higher standard.  I think they should be held to the same standards as the people who elected them.  After all, they were supposedly elected to represent us......a government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people.

As for past wrong doings, I'm pretty much in the same mind as most....depends on the wrong doing AND on if anyone can ever offer more than accusations.  I tend to be rather suspicious about accusations that suddenly spring up when a candidate becomes popular or a threat to the other candidates.  Truth is though, I'm not perfect.  I made mistakes in my past.  It would be rather hypocritical of me to expect anyone else to have a pristine past.

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