Wednesday, June 27, 2012

All hope is lost

Haven't blogged much lately.  No reason other than life has been busy.  But that doesn't mean there's not things stewing in my head that I want to say.
I've given up on American voters and I've lost all hope for this upcoming election.  It is inevitable we are going to end up with the same crap we've had, regardless of which of the two bad choices are elected.  Why is that? It's because of the American voters.
I've listened to a lot of people talk about voting and their method of choosing a candidate.  My conclusion is that Americans fall in to four categories when it comes to voting. 

1. The Non-Voter: This is pretty self-explanatory.  These are the people who are legally eligible to vote but don't.  The most common reason seems to be the whole "don't want to end up on jury duty".  Nice....really nice.  So not only are you shirking your responsibility as a voter, you're doing it so you can shirk your responsibility as a citizen. Nuff said.
2. The Lemming Voter: These are the people who are totally clueless about anything political.  They're lucky if they can name the President and Vice-President.  This ignorant state does not stop them from voting however.  Instead, they vote according to whatever their BFF, family or, even worse, the media tells them.  Or they base their choice on political ads....always a sound judgement.  Honestly, I'd just as soon these people fell in to the Non-Voter category. 
3. The Blind and Mindless Voter: I know a lot of these.  They tend to be the most vocal.  These voters are the ones who rabidly believe their party has all the right answers and the other party are demon spawn sent to destroy the world.  In other words, these voters vote straight down their party line.  They would never even consider the idea that another party's candidate might be a better choice.  I'm not really sure this is any improvement over the Lemmings.
4. The Cowards:  These are the people who know their politics.  They read and keep up with current events.  They realize the problems with our current government.  They know both of the main party candidates are bad choices.  They are the "enlightened" ones.  Sadly, they're also cowards.  They're cowards because they won't take a chance.  They won't follow their conscious and vote for the person they honestly think would do a better job.  They are so afraid of someone they don't want getting elected that they will vote for someone else they don't want.  Rather a perverse kind of logic, yes?  These are the voters who piss me off the most.  These are cowards.

You know, now that I think about it I suppose there's actually five types of voters.  There is the voter who has finally had enough.  Who is tired of the status quo.  This is the voter who has drawn the line in the sand and said, "Enough. I will no longer settle for two bad choices.  I will no longer allow the political parties to dictate my choices.  I will no longer let the government slide by with its bad behaviour, poor choices and self-serving ways."  These are the voters who believe the American people still can make a difference via the voting booth.  They believe it's time for our government to return to the idea that it should be of the people, by the people and for the people.  Not sure what you want to call this group of voters but I do know it's the group I want to be associated with.

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