Friday, May 25, 2012

Rolling with it

The plans for the weekend and next week have changed.  We've postponed our trip to NC for two weeks so we can pick up Don's granddaughter while we're there.  She's coming up to stay for the summer.  Made more sense to wait and make just one trip instead of two.  So, I'll be at work this next week.  At least it will only be a three-day week for me!  Have to say I'm really looking forward to this weekend....four lovely days with nothing planned.  
I would like to get out at least one day for some nature photography.  Feels like it's been forever since I've been out with my camera.  I'm thinking maybe the local nature preserve, a picnic lunch and Don.
Things are looking up for some of the garden denizens!! The green peppers decided this was their week to take off.  They're starting to shoot up and get buds.  The green beans are starting to vine up the strings AND we actually have two beans! Considering the problems we've had with the beans we're excited by this.  Tomatoes and squash are growing nicely.  We should have plenty of both of those.  We've got at least two cauliflower heads growing too and I saw a tiny broccoli head starting!!  As for the sunflowers, two or three of them are taking their driving tests this week....they grow up so fast.  Oh, and we've discovered there are three mulberry trees overhanging the backyard.  Mulberries are everywhere.  I'm trying to convince Don we need to start collecting them so I can make jelly.  I've also forgotten to mention my herbs that I'm growing.

I'm excited about the cauliflower.

OMG...A BEAN!!!!

My little herb garden.

We'll have lots of squash.

And tomatoes.

I am so ready to start canning.

Our gang of sunflowers.  They are growing about 2" a day...honestly!
The whole squash bed.

We have beds full of mulberries.

The sunflowers also make good mulberry catchers.

And finally the green peppers are growing.

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