Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wandering through today's news

Obama officially supports same-sex marriages.  That's nice but really people, it doesn't qualify him for sainthood.  Where's he been for the last few years as this issue has been in the forefront?  Oh yeah....those weren't election years.  It's been fascinating watching the liberals go on as if he's accomplished something incredible with this.

I see the Dept. of Justice is going to sue the that sheriff in Arizona for potential violations of people's constitutional rights.  The federal government is going to champion the cause of constitutional rights??? That's rich.  I didn't think they even knew what the constitution says.

They've also decided to let China buy a US bank.  Sure, why not.  Let's invite the communist party to come take over our banking.  Hey, maybe the Nazi's are looking for a good business venture too.  We could sell Wall Street to them.  Does this whole scenario scare anyone else besides me?

What's up with this super-earth thing?  It's a huge planet that's uninhabitable by us.  What exactly makes it an earth?  Serious question knowledge of astronomy is just slightly higher than my knowledge of quantum mechanics.

They lit the Olympic torch.  Yup, that pretty much rounds out my interest in that subject.  

I was reading an article on the underwear bomb (how can you not laugh at that) and one of the commenters on the article is a genius in my book.  His suggestion would take away almost all worries of bombs on planes AND do away with the needs for TSA....a major bonus in my opinion.  His suggestion?  Just have everyone and everything go through a detonation chamber.  If you come out the other end you can get on the plane!

Been some crazy stories in the news lately.  Drunk grandparents arrested for tying their grandkids toy car to the bumper of their car and pulling the kids around the neighbourhood.  There's that Oompa Loompa reject who supposedly took her little child into the tanning booth with her.  And today read about a drunk father who strapped his four kids down to the hood of the car to drive them home....he thought it would be fun for them.  Explain to me again why I have to fill out an application, have a home visit, and provide references to adopt an abandoned animal from a rescue?

Apparently all the hype about coconut water speeding up your metabolism has no research or data to back it up.  Shocking, I know.  On the plus side, the claim that it makes you fat is a lie too.

In news closer to home, a friend of mine has been accepted as the gardening blogger for a small on-line publication.  I think that is so cool!  Wonder if there's any on-line publications out there looking for a "Sarcastic Moment of the Week" blogger?

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