Tuesday, May 1, 2012

YOU are the problem.

I don't know too many people these days who aren't fed up with politicians. Everyone says they want things to change. They're tired of only having two choices of which both are bad.

Yes, I'm tired of that as well but you know what I'm really tired of?? I'm tired of people who bitch and complain about current politics but don't have the courage of their convictions to take a stand.  Yup, I'm probably offending people but it's how I feel.  You don't really want to vote for either candidate for the Dems or Reps?  Then the solution is simple...DON'T! Put your money where your mouth is and vote for the candidate you believe is best.  Novel concept I know....voting outside that little two-party box we've all been crammed in to.

Now I know what you're going to say...trust me. I've heard it before and I'm going to throw the bullshit flag down on your "reasons".

1. "I'm not going to throw my vote away on someone who can't get elected."

This one kills me. First, if they're on the ballot then they can get elected, simple as that.  Here's what really gets me about this argument; voting for someone you don't like, believe in or picked just because they're the lesser of two evils ISN'T throwing your vote away???  That's exactly what you've done.  You're voting for someone you really don't want to be president.  That is the epitome of throwing your vote away.  

As for the "can't get elected" part.  The only reason a third party candidate couldn't get elected in this political climate, where everyone is fed up with the two main parties, is if the silent majority is too afraid to stand up for what they believe and vote for what they believe.

2. "Voting for a third party will split the vote and [insert name of candidate you hate] will end up getting elected."

This goes back to the previous paragraph.  This country has a great history of the power of grassroots to change things.  If every American who is fed up with the status quo could come together and rally behind a third-party candidate we could all live with then there would be no vote splitting.  The other two parties would be left in the dust.  Sure, it would mean people would have to compromise some to agree on one candidate but let's face it, there is no one perfect candidate out there who can meet all your needs.  I don't care what they may tell you or promise you, our government is about compromise.  So I'm sorry but you just can't have it all your way.

A third-party candidate CAN be elected but only if you are willing to make a stand.  Then convince your family and friends in to making a stand.  And have them convince their family and friends....it's how grassroots movements work.  

Or you could stay in that little box the politicians want you to believe you are stuck in.  But just know that if that is your choice then the problem with this country is you.

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